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Annual Convocation Leaves San Angelo ISD Difference Makers Inspired & Ready for New School Year

Convocation speaker Dr. Rick Rigsby
Annual Convocation Leaves San Angelo ISD Difference Makers Inspired & Ready for New School Year

San Angelo ISD teachers, staff and administrators filled the Foster Communications Coliseum for the district’s annual, back-to-school convocation on August 6. Convocation is a celebratory event welcoming all SAISD employees, from seasoned educators to those just entering the impactful world of education, to the new school year. Convocation brings together all district employees to honor each campus, department and every one of SAISD’s Difference Makers.

“There is nothing better than coming together in one place for a singular purpose to start the school year,” said Dr. Christopher Moran, SAISD superintendent of schools.

Convocation provides an opportunity for all staff to gather, reflect, engage, and connect with the common goal of setting the stage for a successful school year. The theme for this year’s convocation centered on the phrase, “Lights, Camera, Convocation.” With inspirational messages from a motivational speaker, fellowship and entertainment provided by coworkers, convocation often incites a renewed sense of purpose, enthusiasm and hope and this year was no different.

"The goal every day is to recommit to being the best you can be,” said Dr. Rick Rigsby, this year’s convocation speaker. Dr. Rigsby, who is an ordained minister and motivational speaker, is also a Wall Street Journal, USA Today and Amazon best-selling author. His books include “Lessons from a Third Grade Dropout” and “Afraid to Hope.”

“I’m talking about showing up with the kind of influence that you grow every day that will cause you to make an impact … It’s what our world needs. This is the reason why you must show up every day, recommitted to making an impact. It’s because of the deficits in our society.

”During his speech, Dr. Rigsby emphasized the significance of focusing on making a positive impact on those around you and not being distracted by aspects in life that ultimately do not matter. “Do you know why so many folks are frustrated in American culture?” Dr. Rigsby asked. “Because we’re still trying to satisfy our dissatisfaction with stuff that doesn’t satisfy us … We’re so easily distracted, we’ve gotten off point, we’ve gotten off target.”

Dr. Rigsby told the audience, life is not about what you look like, what you drive, the neighborhood you live in, or your educational level. “You know what it’s about?” he asked the audience. Dr. Rigsby then listed factors that should drive people in their everyday lives:

  • “Showing up every day with a renewed commitment to excellence.
  • Treating your fellow man and fellow woman as greater than you.
  • Looking for ways that you can serve whether it’s serving your country or whether it’s serving food at McDonald’s.
  • Growing in character and integrity by keeping your word, by doing what you say you’re going to do.
  • Giving your absolute all to whatever endeavor you’re involved in. And all those things grow your influence.”

Dr. Rigsby is president and CEO of Rick Rigsby Communications and also a former award-winning journalist who regularly contributes to numerous national television and radio programs. He followed his television career with graduate school and then spent two decades as a college professor. Through his transformative podcast, “How Ya’ Livin’?” Dr. Rigsby encourages, inspires and challenges people at every level to dream bigger, stretch beyond comfort zones and achieve the impossible.

“You’re not just teaching,” Dr. Grigsby said. “You’re not just coaching. You're not just preparing the grounds, maintenance folks. You’re not just preparing the meals, cafeteria folks … You’re not just administrating. You’re not just being the board of directors. Your goal is to let your light impact the generations that are coming up before you. If ever there’s been a time where we need the elders to step up and be an example of decency, of morality, of common sense, now is that time.”

Central High School cheerleaders, CHS Tex-Anns and Lake View High School cheerleaders welcomed and cheered for convocation attendees while the Lake View High School Mariachi Band performed as they walked into the coliseum. Members of CHS and LVHS bands, orchestras and choirs welcomed and performed for SAISD Difference Makers, SAISD Board of Trustees and distinguished guests. Guests included Tom Green County Sheriff Nick Hanna, City of San Angelo Mayor Brenda Gunter, San Angelo Chief of Police Travis Griffith, Goodfellow Air Force Base 17th Training Wing Deputy Commander Colonel TK Wilson, and representatives from GAFB.

Other highlights of the morning included: a presentation of colors by combined CHS and LVHS JROTC color guards; the National Anthem performed by combined CHS and LVHS orchestras; and pledges and led by combined student council presidents and vice presidents.

“The mission of San Angelo ISD is to engage all students in a relevant and inspiring education that produces future-ready graduates,” said Dr. Moran. “Our speaker, Dr. Rick Rigsby, reminded us all of the importance of doing simple things that make a difference. He shared that we should not judge others, be early for appointments, be kind to everyone, be a servant to all, be excellent in everything we do, and if we do not do anything else, keep standing!”

Convocation attendees were also treated to a special performance from “Burnt Toast,” a band composed of nine San Angelo ISD staff members from different campuses and departments. Keeping the band on beat with the drums were Superintendent Dr. Moran and Wesley Smith from Payroll and Benefits, while David Engelman from Lone Star Middle School displayed his talents on the keyboard. Guitar players included Mykel Martin and Adrian Blanco, both from Central High School, with Jack Wilcox from Communications strumming on the bass guitar. Burnt Toast vocalists included Angela Gossett from Central High School, Debra Edmund from Glenn Middle School and Dennis Padilla from Lake View High School.

The audience sang along as the lyrics to parodies of popular hits displayed on the screens. The band’s witty and encouraging renditions included “Another Great Day at School,” inspired by Queen’s “Another One Bites the Dust” and “Friends All Over This Place,” a positive adaptation of “Friends in Low Places” by Garth Brooks.

“Our incredible staff band, Burnt Toast, rocked the house with their original lyrics to some timeless classics,” said Deputy Superintendent and Chief Academic Officer Dr. Farrah Gomez. “The highlight? Our very own Superintendent, Dr. Moran, not only drummed up a storm but also took the mic as a good sport. Burnt Toast was a sizzling hit!”

“Lights, camera, convocation” is over. Now the stage is set for the next scene – “lights, camera, action, learning.” SAISD and all of its Difference Makers look forward to a year of celebrating the hopes and dreams of our students and guiding them on the path to success.

“This is shaping up to be a great year in San Angelo ISD and we are raising expectations for employees and students and placing academics above everything else,” said Dr. Moran. “Above all, students first!”

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