School History
The following historical reference was compiled by the Lake View Lions Club in March, 1955, and etched onto a plate which was sold as a fundraiser for the school that year. The following is the text that appears on the back of that plate:
Lake View was organized as Common School District #1 in the year 1905. One teacher and seven students occupied a frame building 36' x 40'. Instruction was offered through the first seven grades. An eight room brick building was constructed in 1923. At that time, we had four teachers and forty-four students. March 24, 1928, Lake View was dedicated an Independent School District. A High School building, containing eight rooms and an auditorium, was added. Six teachers were employed to instruct twenty-three students in High School and sixty-four children in the elementary grades. The gym and three additional elementary rooms were added in 1936. We then had twenty teachers, and five hundred and seventy-one students. The new High School building was erected in 1946. The original High School building was remodeled and made into the Junior High building. We also added a cafeteria, band hall and shop building. Thirty-five teachers were employed, and the enrollment was 1057. Bradford Elementary School was completed in 1951. This building has fourteen class rooms and a cafeteria. May 11, 1953, the entire community suffered from a tornado which caused $235,000.00 damage to the school buildings and equipment. Repairs and additions were completed, and 1953-54 classes began on schedule. Day Elementary, with six rooms and cafeteria, Holiman Elementary, with eight rooms and cafeteria, were built in 1954. The Lake View Independent School System now has seventy-three classrooms plus offices, four cafeterias, two libraries, band hall, shop and athletic building. Seventy-nine teachers and instructors are employed, and the enrollment is 2157.
High School Colors: Blue and White CHIEFS-MAIDENS-BRAVES-WARRIORS
Board of Education: James E. Day, President
W.L. Bankston, Secretary
Ellis Kirksey
W.A. Turner
Clarence Terrill
T.C. Tunnell
J.J. Williams
The current school was completed at the new location of 255 E. 50th Street, and a dedication of new Lincoln campus was held on Sept. 15, 2000. With the completion of 50th Street through to Armstrong in late 2013, the street was renamed Lake View Heroes Drive.